Forest Management Planning (FMP)


Planning for the 2021-2031 Forest Management Plan commenced in August 2017.

The FMP took approximately four years to complete.  During this time, five formal opportunities for public consultation and First Nation and Métis community involvement and consultation were provided.  Please refer to this Invitation to Participate and Stage 2 Notification and Stage 3 Notification and Stage 4 Notification and Stage 5 Inspection Notice for further details.

The final 2021 – 2031 FMP is available for inspection on the Natural Resources Information Portal (NRIP) at the following link:   NRIP

The Algonquin Park Management Plan is the umbrella document for all land uses within the Park. An extensive area within the Park (264,674 hectares) is zoned for wilderness, recreation, research and historical purposes where timber harvesting is not allowed. Harvesting is only permitted within the recreation-utilization zone (498,785 hectares) and is carefully regulated to minimize both visual and audible impacts on other forest users (Note: area numbers include water).

Planning for Forest Management Operations in Algonquin Park is conducted under the Crown Forest Sustainability Act (1995) and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s Forest Management Planning Manual for Ontario’s Crown Forests (2020). Forest Management Plans (FMP) are prepared over a three year period prior to commencement of operations. AFA is currently operating under the approved 2021-2031 FMP for Algonquin Park. This Plan will cover operations for ten year period, at which time a new Plan will be prepared.


AFA Information booth at Loggers Day in Algonquin Park

The planning process is a detailed process that entails ongoing opportunities for public input and Indigenous consultation. A detailed Forest Resource Inventory (FRI) of Algonquin Park is prepared using aerial imagery and ground sampling. This FRI is maintained by the AFA using a Geographic Information System (GIS), which is a spatial mapping system that allows for detailed area-based management of all of the values within the Park.

Extensive computer modeling is conducted with the Forest Resource Inventory (FRI) Database and the GIS to assess all elements of forest sustainability. Computer modeling allows managers to forecast the future forest condition based on today’s management activities.

Cold water creek

Cold water creek

The protection of all values within Algonquin Park is an integral part of the forest management program. Values such as fish and wildlife habitat, canoe routes and portages, campsites, hiking/skiing trails, archeological sites and cultural heritage sites are all tracked on the AFA GIS system. This information is updated on a regular basis as new values are discovered. The FMP contains a set of Area of Concern (AOC) prescriptions that are implemented during forest management operations to protect all of these values. MNRF’s approved implementation manuals, guidelines, resource manuals and other planning tools are the basis for the AOC prescriptions.

These areas of concern are detailed on maps within the FMP and prescribe restrictions to operations that are followed during plan implementation. Trained and certified Tree Markers identify AOC boundaries in the forest prior to operations, so that they are clearly visible as either no-cut areas (reserves) or areas where modified operations are required. Annual reports and compliance audits are also conducted on a regular basis in order to ensure that operations are being conducted as they have been prescribed, and that all values in the forest are being protected.

The annual work schedule identifies operations that are scheduled for implementation during the year.

Inspection of Approved 2024 – 2025 Annual Work Schedule

Published Submission Detail (

Operations Map


Public participation is a vital component of sustainable forest management. It provides an opportunity for stakeholders and interested parties to be involved proactively in the management of the Forest and to enhance their knowledge of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) and of other interests and values related to the forest.

Forest Management Planning Process
The public consultation process for the development of an FMP consists of 5 stages. These stages include:

Stage 1: Invitation to Participate
Stage 2: Review of Proposed Long-term Management Direction
Stage 3: Information Centre – Review of Proposed Operations
Stage 4: Information Centre – Review of Draft Forest Management Plan
Stage 5: Inspection of MNRF Approved Plan

For each stage listed, significant effort is made to notify the public of the ongoing forest management planning activities and to solicit comments based on the products developed. The public is notified of these consultation opportunities through a combination of Environmental Registry  postings, newspaper ads, mail-outs, social media and postings to the AFA website.

Local Citizens Committee
The Local Citizens Committee (LCC) for Algonquin Park has been established to assist in the preparation and implementation of the forest management plan for the Algonquin Park Forest. The LCC was established by the Park Superintendent /MNRF District Manager in accordance with the requirements of the Crown Forest Sustainability Act as per the direction the Ontario Forest Management Planning Manual (FMPM).

Representing a broad spectrum and balance of interests, the LCC is a standing advisory committee which assists in the preparation and implementation of the Forest Management Plan (FMP) and ensures that forest management proceeds in a manner that integrates the interests of all users.

The LCC for the 2021-2031 FMP includes 12 members representing local naturalist and outdoors clubs, environmental groups, residents, local Indigenous communities, and the forest industry.

Indigenous Consultation
Indigenous involvement plays a key role in the production of Algonquin Park Forest Management Plans. The primary means of consultation is through Indigenous community involvement on the FMP planning team.